Plant-Based (Vegan) Iraqi Qaymer (Qeymer, or Geymar)
Vegan Qaymer with Sourdough Bread
Qaymer, Qeymer, or Geymar(noun): An Iraqi-style cream; it is usually made from water Buffalo milk.
In Iraq, there are two ways to enjoy Qaymer; The most common way is with Kahi. Kahi is a large rectangle-shaped baked filo dough, soaked in simple syrup, and drizzled with date molasses. In fact, “Kahi and Qaymer” is a national Iraqi breakfast and there is a technique to assemble this breakfast dish:
Start by placing the flakey Kahi on your plate
Break the Kahi into small pieces
Pour some simple syrup
Put the Qaymer on top of the Kahi pieces
Drizzle with date molasses
Enjoy it with your hands
Iraqis enjoy Kahi and Qaymer on some weekends morning or on Eids’ morning
The second way is with hot fresh Iraq bread and honey or date molasses
Iraqi Bread (Samoon)
Authentic Iraqi Qaymer can’t be found outside of Iraq but there are many recipes on Youtube on how to make it at home. To me and to many who grew up in Iraq, this dessert-like breakfast brings back many sweet memories and we always try to keep the tradition of having “Kahi and Qaymer” on Holidays morning (Eid breakfast).
7 years ago, I decided to cut dairy from my diet and I was looking for a way to veganized the Qaymer. I found a recipe on an Instagram account that is unfortunately no longer on Instagram called “Iraqi Vegan” and I adopted it ever since.
Plant-Based (Vegan) Qaymer
This recipe is light, vegan, planed-based, and very delicious. I have brought this recipe to many branch gatherings and everyone loved it and was hyped about it; they even couldn't believe it is Vegan!
1 cup soaked raw cashew
1 can full-fat coconut milk
2 tablespoons flour (optional)
The Method
In a high-speed blender, add the soaked cashew and the coconut milk and blend it until getting a cream-like mixture.
Add the flour to your cream and blend it for 30 seconds (this step is optional)
Cook the cream on medium heat until the cream is thickened (skip this step if you opt-out of the flour)
Pour your Qaymer cream into a deep Tupperware, cover it with the lid and freeze for 2 hrs.
After the 2 hours, take the Qaymer out of the freezer and leave it overnight in the fridge
Enjoy it with jam, date syrup, or honey… it can also be used for croissant stuffing
Let me know in the comment section if you tried this recipe or planning to try it and what is your opinion on it.